Carpet Beetle Control

carpet beetle control

The first step in carpet beetle control is to locate the source of the infestation. Dark storage rooms, lint-laden nooks and crannies, heat ducts and cold-air return ducts, attics, basements, areas under slip covers on furniture, the back sides of sofas and seldom-used sofas in darkened corners should all be thoroughly inspected. Place food-baited sticky traps around windows in the spring to capture adult varied carpet beetles attempting to enter or escape.

Besides natural fiber-containing clothing, wool rugs and carpets, carpet beetles feed on silk, fur, feathers, leather, dried flowers and potpourri, grains, seeds, flour, spices, pet foods and human food. Regularly vacuuming carpeted rooms, especially under and behind furniture, can reduce the amount of lint and debris that attracts beetles. Routinely laundering or dry cleaning clothes made of wool, silk, fur and feathers can help deter beetles. Avoid storing preserved animal hides or mounted trophies in your home.

Battling the Bugs Beneath: A Comprehensive Guide to Carpet Beetle Control Methods

Carpet beetle larvae can also damage furniture, especially older, upholstered pieces stuffed with animal hair or other natural materials. Store these items in sealed, airtight containers or place them in the freezer for 48 hours to kill any live larvae that may be inside.

The most effective treatment method for a serious infestation of carpet beetles is to use an insecticide labeled for the pest and spray all affected materials and hard-to-reach areas. An insecticidal dust or spray with bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin or permethrin is recommended. Boric acid, available as a powder in many supermarkets, is another treatment option. However, this product is toxic if ingested by pets or children and should be used with care.

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