Chicken Wire Fencing
Chicken wire, also called poultry netting, is used to fence in birds like chickens and chicks within their coop or run area. It can be an effective deterrent against aerial predators (ie. owls, hawks) but is not strong enough to withstand a physical attack from a ground predator. It is relatively inexpensive and blends in well with the yard. It is not completely predator proof, however and does not offer protection from foxes or coyotes. For these reasons, we recommend considering aviary netting or a heavier mesh deer/rabbit netting as alternatives. Learn more
Poultry netting is a great choice for pen enclosures, walk in chicken runs and even for creating a ‘day pen’ for your chicks that can be monitored while you are out of the house for an hour or so. It is not recommended for use as a permanent fencing solution though, unless you have a very secure backyard and are willing to keep an eye on your chicks constantly in order to prevent them from escaping.
Clucking Safe: A Guide to Chicken Wire in Canada and How to Choose the Right Mesh for Your Flock
When using poultry netting, we strongly recommend that you use a pulse-style electric fence energizer. It’s important that the energizer is of a high output as the higher voltage gives the animal more of a shock than lower voltage units. Joe at Premier 1 notes that a 0.6 joule unit will run 5-6 strands of poultry netting, while a 20 joule unit can easily run more than that amount. It is recommended to weed whack the area where you are setting up the fence to prevent grass from touching the netting and sapping energy.